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This term, our writing genres are:

  • Narrative
  • Newspaper report
  • Poetry
  • Instructions


Our Enquiry question 'How do we make our mark?' will be our writing hook this term:

Writing Expectations for writing in Y2:


1.            Write coherent narratives about personal experience and those of others (real or fictional)

2.            Write about real events simply and clearly.

3.            Use capital letters and full stops in most sentences and use question marks correctly.

4.            Use past and present tense mostly correctly.

5.            Use co-ordination (and, or, but) and some subordination (when, if, that, because) to join clauses.

6.            Use phonemes to segment and to spell many words correctly.

7.            Spell many CEW words correctly.

8.            Form capital letters of the correct size and orientation.

9.            Use spacing between words that reflect the size of the letters.
