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Relentless in our strive for excellence

School Admissions



Welcome to The Flying High Academy Ladybrook. We are delighted to be able to share with you our vision and values to help you get a true flavour of our school. We are confident that you will find us a welcoming school – one where your child will flourish and realise their potential, whatever that potential might be. We value getting to know all our children. This means we have a better idea of what motivates them and what success should look like for them.


We are committed to providing our children with the very best opportunities and experiences, and we are proud of the relationships that we have with our children, parents and the community. In partnership, we want to provide an excellent education for the children at The Flying High Academy Ladybrook to ensure they are well equipped to be confident individuals, lifelong learners and good citizens.


At The Flying High Academy Ladybrook we believe that all pupils have the ability to achieve wonderful things. Our aim is to ensure that our children are happy and enjoy their time at school. This is achieved by providing an environment where children feel safe to explore the new challenges and learning opportunities they encounter. 

All our staff are passionate about making children happy, developing their confidence and inspiring them to be successful. This passion ensures that The Flying High Academy Ladybrook is a vibrant and creative place to be. We aim to help develop creative children who are inspired learners, are considerate citizens, are independent thinkers, have curious and enquiring minds and are caring friends.  


We care about every child in our school. Through our strong commitment to pastoral care, we strive to ensure that we provide outstanding support for all of our pupils and families.  The Flying High Academy Ladybrook prides itself on supporting all children, regardless of their background or additional circumstances. We believe that a child’s potential should not be limited or pre-determined.


FHAL is a school of choice where parents and staff have high aspirations for our children both academically and socially. Children, parents, visitors and those who work at FHAL, enjoy a warm welcoming atmosphere where all are nurtured and cared for; well-being for all being a whole school priority. We pride ourselves on being an innovative, forward-thinking school. 


Education is ever-evolving in response to the dynamic world we live in. Therefore, I believe that the educational world that we create for our children should be one of security, creativity and happiness so that each child has the confidence and resilience to rise to the exciting challenges they face each day. As practitioners, we have a joint responsibility- alongside parents- to ensure that our children strive for excellence in pursuit of their dreams.


In working together to achieve this common goal, we can all ensure that each and every one of us is ‘Relentless in our strive for excellence.’


Our School also offers:


We also have a fantastic wraparound care to support those families requiring provision before and/or after school – to find out more click here



Flying High Partnership


The Flying High Trust is a partnership of schools across Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City and Derbyshire. Schools work together to ensure we are relentless in ensuring our children receive the best possible opportunities and experiences. This is achieved through a true collaboration where all decisions centre on children and schools are empowered to adopt best practice, adapt it within the context of each school and fly!

Changing school in-year - Reception to Year 6 

To join our school, you need to make application to Nottinghamshire County Council- details below on how you can make an application to transfer school in-year for the current academic year (2023-2024).


The Flying High Academy Ladybrook is its own admissions authority but Nottinghamshire Local Authority coordinate our admissions.  This means that the school sets its own admission policy but the Local Authority manage the process.    


Please find all of the information relating to school admissions below, should you have any queries then please feel free to contact us on 01623 415790.

Making an application

Nottinghamshire County Council has an in-year coordinated scheme for all community and voluntary controlled schools.  Some own admission authority schools also participate in that scheme.  For these schools applications can be made up to 6 weeks, or during the preceding school half term, before the required start date. Applications must be made by a person with parental responsibility, and we recommend that you state up to 4 preferences, starting with the school you most prefer.

Information about which schools participate in NCC’s coordinated scheme and where to apply is available at  Changing school in-year | Nottinghamshire County Council


The best way is to apply online at Changing school in-year | Nottinghamshire County Council. If you are unable to apply online you can submit an application by telephone or by downloading a paper application (PDF).  Applications made online will receive an outcome online and all other applications will receive an outcome by second class post. 

Applying for a nursery place 

If you wish to apply for a nursery place please complete the attached application form or click here to apply online.

First time admissions for September 2024 start

Applying for a place for your child at Flying High Academy Ladybrook - If your child will be 5 years old between 1st September 2024 & 31st August 2025. 

For information on how to apply for a school place with us, please see the "School admissions" section on the Nottinghamshire County Council website. 


Admission Round for 2023


* Applications open from 6th November 2023

* Closing date 15th January 2024

* Offer date 16th April 2024


For any help with this or any other queries please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01623 415790.

Primary to Secondary transfer for September 2024 start


Applications are now open for our current year 6 pupils to apply for a secondary school place for September 2024.

Before applying, please read the Admissions to schools: Guide for parents and fact-sheet below. These contain important information about how school places are allocated and the extra help available to you and your child.


The easiest way to apply is online at: Citizenportal or alternatively you can phone school admissions on 0300 500 80 80.

For any further information, please take a look at the NCC website "When to apply for a school place" webpage for further information. 

You can apply for a school place for September 2024 from:

  • 7 August 2023 – 31 October 2023 for transfer to secondary school and for schools with an atypical age of admission

Nottinghamshire county council school admissions guidance. 


As an academy, Flying High Academy Ladybrook is it's own admissions authority and must meet all the mandatory provisions of the School Admissions Code (the Code) that came into force on 19 December 2014 (updated Sept 215).


The Flying High Trust Admissions Policy below outlines: admissions arrangements; over-subscription criteria; special circumstances; in year admissions and appeals procedure.

FHT Admission Policy - LFHA

Admission Appeals and Coronavirus (Covid-19) update 30/04/2020

Unfortunately the coronavirus outbreak has impacted on the ability of schools and panels to carry out admission appeals in the usual way and therefore there may be some unavoidable delays to the commencement to appeals being held across the country. However, as parents/families must continue to have the right to appeal to any school which has refused their child a place, the Government announced regulatory changes on the 24th April 2020 to the Admissions Appeals Code which will enable hearings to take place, although it is unlikely these will be in person due to social distancing requirements.


Your appeal, once submitted will be forwarded to the Independent Clerk, who is currently planning again for the commencement of the appeal hearings. He will be in touch with you as soon as possible once a date has been agreed for the hearing to take place. We do fully recognise the frustration this may cause but these are unprecedented times and trust you fully understand this. Each appeal should continue to be sent to and you will receive acknowledgment that the appeal has been received, update on the situation and contact details for the appeals clerk who will manage your appeal and keep you informed of progress, date and outcomes.
