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Keeping Your Child Safe

Keeping your child safe

As a school, we take all our safeguarding responsibilities extremely seriously. We recognise that young people can be vulnerable in a number of ways and that the dangers in the online world are as much a threat as those in the real world. We have ensured that our staff understand what makes some children and adults more vulnerable to certain risk factors; how to recognise the signs of somebody at risk; and what to do if they have a cause for concern. We include in our consideration of risk radicalisation and extremism; female genital mutilation; forced marriage and honour based violence; and child sexual exploitation. We will ensure that any changes in behaviour or patterns of attendance are identified quickly and that appropriate action is taken swiftly and is proportionate to the level of concern. We will work with the whole school community to ensure all our stakeholders understand our wider safeguarding responsibilities and work in partnership with us to keep our pupils safe.


Mrs Kerry  Chadburn is our Designated Safeguarding Lead. Mr Jack Emmens leads E-Safety. 


Please click on the document below to see our Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Leads and E-Safety Lead:



Designated & Deputy Safeguarding Leads
