This term, our writing genres are:
Narrative - Greek myths
Non-Chronological reports – Gods/mythological creatures
Persuasive adverts/letters
Newspaper reports – Trojan war
Poetry – Narrative poems
We will be using these as a focus for our writing:
Our reading texts
First-hand experiences
Writing Expectations for writing in Y3
- Use capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas in lists
- Use adverbs of time, place and cause (then, next, soon, therefore, hurriedly)
- Use sub-ordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions (before, after, while, so)
- Use prepositions (under, next to, through, behind, beneath)
- Use verbs and adjectives to create impact
- Begin inverted commas (speech marks) to punctuate speech
- Group similar ideas together (begin to use paragraphs)
- Write for a range of audiences and purposes choosing the correct layout and features
- Use headings and sub-headings
- Show a clear beginning middle and end in narrative
- Use 'a' or 'an' correctly
- Apply Year 3 spelling rules across all writing
- Spell the Year 3 common exception words
Handwriting Expectations for writing in Y3
- Join most of their writing using diagonal and horizontal strokes